Taylor Made Wet Wells
We are one of the few packaged Waste Water Lift Stations that supply Reinforced Concrete, Spiral bound Fiberglass & HDPE.
Our Muni 104, Muni 105 & Muni 106 stations are designed from taking the best of Municipal and Federal Government written publication to ensure the end user benefits from the wet well design.
Components included in wet wells; guide rail systems, break-away fittings, high quality aluminum or stainless steel hatches with cable trays and access ports. Our wells are top of the line due to our EZZ-Klean™ and EZZ-Screen® system. We are one of the few packaged station suppliers in the Northwest to offer the EZZ-Klean ™ wet well design.
We build a hybrid Fiberglass/Concrete lid designed wet well that helps meet H20 loading and still has the benefit of no joints in the well structure and is totally inert to Hydrogen Sulfide gasses.